Bulldog Gym Boxing Equipment

Are you looking to add some variety to your fitness routine? Look no further than Bulldog Gym! Our group fitness room is equipped with a heavy bag and a speed bag, perfect for incorporating some boxing into your workout.

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Monday Motivation 1-23-23 “Discipline is Key”

It’s easy to show up and work out when you’re motivated, but it’s much more difficult to sustain when motivation peters out 😒.  That’s where discipline and habit building helps. 

Bulldog Gym trainer, Garrison Williams, recognizes this and focuses on discipline to keep pushing himself when his motivation wanes.

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Monday Motivation 1-16-23

This week’s Monday Motivation quote celebrates the beauty and strength of the human body and encourages us to appreciate and care for it.

Bulldog Gym personal trainer, Elena Fields, shares that appreciating her body for the miraculous thing that it is, encourages her to remain on track with her health and fitness goals.

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