Do you believe that nothing is impossible? Do you think that you can achieve your fitness goals, even if you feel that you are too old, too sick, or too busy? If you are not sure, then consider the inspiring story of Suzanne Zech, a Bulldog Gym Yoga and Silver Sneaker instructor, who turned her life around and proved that anything is possible.
Suzanne’s journey to fitness and wellness did not start until she was 45 years old, 30 pounds heavier, and struggling with arthritis, fibromyalgia, depression¹, and insomnia. She felt that her pain was a life sentence, and she could barely move without hurting. However, instead of giving up, she decided to find a solution for her pain.
She started taking a gentle yoga class, asked lots of questions, and read fitness books. She learned about the “why’s and how’s” of yoga poses and eventually took a training class for yoga teachers. She didn’t have the intention of becoming an instructor, but she wanted to learn more. Her desire to learn led her to a 200-hour yoga instructor certification and a Sliver Sneakers certification.
Over the years, Suzanne never stopped learning, questioning, and finding helpful people who are willing to share their knowledge and passion for functional exercise practices. She became a life-long learner in the world of fitness, trying lots of different classes, getting outside for walks and bike rides, and counting every kind of movement as a win.
Suzanne’s journey was not always easy. She started and quit many times, but she didn’t take any experience too seriously. She just wanted to have fun and learn something new every day. She discovered that the path to health is not a destination to arrive at but a journey to explore.
Now, Suzanne is encouraged by the amazing people who join the gym or SilverSneakers and share their stories of overcoming health issues and obstacles. She found her “why” for showing up to the gym, which is the resilient and strong people who believe that the impossible can be achieved. They make the best of life possible, and they are her heroes.
Suzanne’s story is a testament that nothing is impossible. You can achieve your fitness goals, no matter your age, health, or circumstances. You just need to believe in yourself and take action. Start small, learn, and have fun. You will be surprised by what you can achieve.
As Audrey Hepburn said, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible.'” So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey to fitness and wellness today, and believe that you can achieve the impossible.
¹ Although there are documented studies supporting the notion that exercise and mind/body modalities can improve mental health conditions like depression, Bulldog Gym also advises seeking assistance from a physician or mental health professional when coping with mental health problems.