If you’re looking for a more personalized training experience that combines the best of both worlds, Bulldog Gym’s hybrid in-person/virtual training program is the perfect choice. With this option, you’ll work with a personal trainer in person for some of your sessions, and remotely for others. This allows you to benefit from the accountability and motivation of in-person training, while still enjoying the flexibility and convenience of virtual training. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to receive hands-on instruction and correction during your in-person sessions, helping you to master proper form and technique.

Four-Week Program Details

Our four-week program include the following: 

  • An initial in-person consultative meeting with one of our Bulldog Gym trainers
  • A baseline InBody body-composition scan
  • A four-week, customized virtual training plan based on your fitness goals
  • Access to virtual training platform -Trainerize
  • The ability to contact your trainer with questions, receive feedback, etc. through the in-app message tool throughout the program
  • A second, in-person meeting with your trainer at the mid-point of the program (i.e., after 2 weeks) to access progress and make program modifications as required

Eight-Week Program Details

Our eight-week program includes everything in our four-week program…Plus:

  • An additional 4-weeks of virtual training programming
  • One additional in-person meeting with your trainer at week six to access progress and tweak as required
  • A second InBody scan at week 6


If either of these options sound like a good program for you, feel free to purchase below or contact us at the gym for any remaining questions or concerns.

Purchase Below

Choose your program (i.e., 4-week or 8 week)