Bulldog Gym knows that Independence Day is a special holiday for all of us. That’s why we are proud to offer our members 24/7 gym access, but no classes or staff on Tuesday, July 4th.
Take advantage of the extra time off to get some extra rest and recharge. Spend the day outdoors in the sunshine, or enjoy your favorite activities with family and friends.
And when Wednesday, July 5th rolls around, we will be back to our usual staffed hours and classes. So come in and get your workout in before or after work, and enjoy the extra energy and enthusiasm that comes with celebrating the holiday.
At Bulldog Gym, we care about our members and their health and fitness goals. That’s why we want to make sure you have the freedom to enjoy your Independence Day holiday and get your workout in at the same time.
So come celebrate the Fourth of July with us — enjoy your holiday and get back to your regular routine with Bulldog Gym.