When we talk about fitness, it’s easy to get caught up in numbers: pounds lost, reps performed, calories burned. But for Bulldog Gym member, Jessica Kelly, the biggest transformation came not from the numbers, but from a challenge.
In November of 2018, Jessica decided to start working out after realizing that the person she saw in the mirror no longer matched how she felt inside. She started slow, with just 30-minute workouts three times a week. But as she increased her frequency and intensity, she realized that she was ready for a bigger challenge.
That’s when Jessica joined a boot camp class at Bulldog Gym, where she quickly discovered that she still had a long way to go. The class was hard, but she was up for the challenge. As she cleaned up her diet and continued taking the boot camp class, she saw more progress. In September of 2019, she joined the gym and started incorporating more types of exercises into her routine.
In January of 2020, Jessica took it one step further by hiring a personal trainer and working out with a group of dedicated ladies. Over the next two years, she continued to gain muscle and improve her physical fitness. But as she approached her 50th birthday, Jessica realized that she needed to take things to the next level.
She decided to take on the 75 Hard challenge, which involved completing two 45-minute workouts each day, drinking a gallon of water, taking progress pictures, following a strict diet, reading nonfiction books, and cutting out alcohol.
The challenge was not easy, especially during the first week when Jessica had to detox off of sugar. But as she persisted, she noticed her energy improved, her brain fog lessened, her sleep improved, and her workouts improved. She started trusting herself around food, and after completing the challenge, Jessica had lost 23 pounds and maintained all her muscle.
The best part of this transformation story is that Jessica found that the challenge wasn’t just about weight loss or body composition. It was about developing a healthy relationship with food and building discipline. She was grateful for the support of her family, friends, and the Bulldog Gym community, which played a significant role in her success.
Whether you’re just starting or you’re looking for a new challenge, Jessica’s story is an inspiration to all of us. Remember, it’s not just about the numbers – it’s about the journey and the changes we make along the way.
To read more about Jessica’s transformation and how she completed the 75 Hard challenge, click here.