Welcome to Bulldog Gym! We’re thrilled to have you join our fitness community. As a new member enrolled in one of our insurance-funded programs, we wanted to share some important details with you right off the bat.

First off, we’re all about making fitness accessible to everyone, which is why we’re part of programs like Silver Sneakers/Prime, Silver/Active and Fit, RenewActive, and more. These programs are designed to help folks like you reach their health and fitness goals without breaking the bank.

Here’s the deal: Every time you swipe your membership keycard, we get a little boost in support from these programs. But, there’s a catch – we’re reimbursed for up to 8-10 unique visits per month, with no double swipes counting. While this helps keep our lights on, it’s not as much as a standard membership fee.

To keep these programs going strong, we’re asking for your help. While you’re not limited to 8-10 visits, we suggest aiming for at least that many each month. This will ensure we can continue offering these valuable services to our community.

Oh, and one last thing: Don’t forget to scan your card every time you come in! It helps us keep track of attendance and ensures our participation in these programs stays solid.

Once again, welcome to Bulldog Gym! We’re excited to support you on your fitness journey.

Yours in good health,

Bulldog Gym Management Team