
Alicia Lindsey, CPT, Nutrition Coach, Senior Fitness Specialist (A.C.E)

Assistant Manager, Front Desk, Marketing Manager, Nutrition Coach, Personal Trainer

Alicia is the Assistant Manager of Bulldog Gym.  She is also a  certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach and Senior Fitness Specialist with The American Council on Exercise (A.C.E.).

She has additional certifications and experience as a Silver Sneakers instructor, boot-camp instructor, and Group Power instructor. Her enthusiasm for health and fitness has encompassed more than 37 years of an active lifestyle, including fitness instructor, weight trainer, competitive bodybuilder, and a 5K/10K runner. She looks forward to working with clients to achieve their fitness goals!

Qualifications : Certified Personal Trainer, American Council on Exercise (ACE), Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, ACE