1) Race dates 4/22-4/23 (24 hours)
2) Team is made up of 8 people
3) Each participant will run 3 loops: one 4.2-mile, one 5.3-mile, and one 6.2-mile (a total of 15.7 miles). More info on how loops are run can be found at https://www.runragnar.com/event-detail/trail/atlanta_ga#course
4) Most teams camp out
5) You will have breaks in between your loops.
5) Cost is $1448.70 for team entry which includes a 9.75% service fee. $181 per participant.
6) Team captain will collect money from individuals before February 9 deadline and pay for team entry by the deadline.
7) Entry fee is non-refundable but the team captain will make every effort to fill your position with
another runner and arrange reimbursement if you can’t make it (no guarantees).
8) Website is https://www.runragnar.com/event-detail/trail/atlanta_ga#overview
9) We are required to bring a volunteer to work a 3-hour shift or pay $120. We will need to decide collectively if we want to work this ourselves or bring someone to do it for us or just pay the $120.
10) Complete details (official rule book) of the race can be found in the trail race “bible” at https://static.runragnar.com/files/i/trail/Trail%20Guide%20Master/Trail%20Guide%20-%20Master.pdf
11) You will run one or more of your loops at night so you will need to have a running headlamp.
12) Since we’ll all be local we can meet at GIHP for training runs on the weekend.